Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcSecurity ServicesTender ValueINR 2.59 Lakhs approx.
LocationSikkim - India Ref.No72086549
Closing Date07 - Jun - 2024
Supply of Micripipettes tips for 1 to 200 ul, Micripipettes tips for 500 to 1000 ul, Semi auto analyzer wash solution for, Westergren tube for estimation of ESR, Drabkin solution, Kits for estimation of HDL cholesterol 4 into 25 ml, HIV I II rapid kit of 30 card, Kits for estimation of Cholesterol 4 into 25 ml, Kits for estimation of Glucose kit 2 into 200 ml, Kits for estimation of Total protein 2 into 50 ml, Kits for estimation of SGOT 2 into 50 ml, Kits for triglyceride estimation kit of 100 ml, Kits for estimation of Bilirubin kit 4 into 50 ml, Sysmax cell clean 50 ml bott, Swelab lumi D diluent 20 ltr, Swelab lumi L 1 lyse 200 ml, Swelab lumi L 2 lyse 500 ml, Swelab lumi quality control, Swelab lumi cleaner bott of 50 ml, Micriopipettes variable volume 50 to 200 ul, Occult Blood, Distilled water caon of 5 ltr, Vaccum blood collection tube EDTA, Urine container - lab kits reagents Qty 3482
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