Ref. No. : 80185912   
Agricultural equipment Tenders, Air Conditioners Tenders, Angle Tenders, Audio/Video Equipments Tenders, Brush Tenders, Can Tenders, Computer Personal Tenders, Cutting Machine Tenders, Disposable Medical - Surgical Items Tenders, Diversified Computer Hardware And Peripherals Tenders, Diversified Electrical Spares And Stores Tenders, Drill Machine Tenders, Gauge Tenders, Generator Tenders, Glass Tenders, Grinder Tenders, Grinding Machine Tenders, Hammer Set Tenders, Hook Tenders, Lab Equipment Tenders, M S Plate Tenders, Measurement System Tenders, Microscope Tenders, Motor Tenders, Office Equipments Tenders, Other Software Tenders, plant machinery Tenders, Plastic product Tenders, Printers Tenders, projector Tenders, Protection Kit Tenders, Scanners Tenders, Scientific equipment Tenders, Spanner Tenders, Sprayers Tenders, Stationery Tenders, Table Tenders, Taps And Dies Tenders, Testing Equipment Tenders, Tool Tenders, U P S Tenders, Welding Electrode and Stores Tenders
Agricultural Equipment Tenders, Air Conditioners Tenders, Angle Tenders, Audio/Video Equipments Tenders, Brush Tenders, Can Tenders, Computer Personal Tenders, Cutting Machine Tenders, Disposable Medical - Surgical Items Tenders, Diversified Computer Hardware And Peripherals Tenders, Diversified Electrical Spares And Stores Tenders, Drill Machine Tenders, Gauge Tenders, Generator Tenders, Glass Tenders, Grinder Tenders, Grinding Machine Tenders, Hammer Set Tenders, Hook Tenders, Lab Equipment Tenders, M S Plate Tenders, Measurement System Tenders, Microscope Tenders, Motor Tenders, Office Equipments Tenders, Other Software Tenders, Plant Machinery Tenders, Plastic Product Tenders, Printers Tenders, Projector Tenders, Protection Kit Tenders, Scanners Tenders, Scientific Equipment Tenders, Spanner Tenders, Sprayers Tenders, Stationery Tenders, Table Tenders, Taps And Dies Tenders, Testing Equipment Tenders, Tool Tenders, U P S Tenders, Welding Electrode and Stores Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Supply of Goods, Tools & Equipment for an International Standard IToT in Operator Advanced Machine Tools (OAMT) Trade at ITI , Gujarat, India (Package 4 OAMT Trade), document for procurement of Goods and Works for IToTs, GATI, Gujarat, Surface Grinding Machine, CNC Machining Centre, CNC Milling tools for above machine, CNC Turn Centre, EDM, CNC Simulator, Vertical-spindle five-axis machining centres, CNC Tool Pre setter, SS and SC centre lathe (all geared) with having minimum specification, Universal Milling machine with minimum specification, Horizontal Milling Machine with minimum specification, Vertical Milling Machine, Universal Tool and Cutter Grinding Machine, CNC Lathe Machine, Tool holders to suit the CNC Turn Centre, Jig Boring, Gear Hubber, Gear Shaper Machine, Power Saw Machine-hydraulic feed system, Cylindrical Grinder, Power Saw Machine, Pedestal Grinder Double End type., Radial Drill motorized with tapping attachment, document for procurement of Goods and Works for IToTs, GATI, Gujarat, Drilling Machine pillar type with drill chuck & key., Slotter, Double column planer, Shaping machine, Shaping machine, Co-ordinate Measuring Machine, CNC Wire Cut EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining), Special tools and equipment, Involutes gear module, Surface Plate, Marking Table, Scribing Block Universal, V-Block, Combination Set, Spanner Double Ended metric, Adjustable Spanner, Reduction Sleeve Morse taper, Angle Plate Adjustable, Oil stone, Number drill H.S.S(Parallel shank), Drill (Parallel Shank), Twist Drills, Drill Chuck, Centre Drill, Grinding wheel dresser(diamond), Grinding wheel dresser Hunting Type, C- Clamp, C-Clamp, Tap & Die set inbox metric pitch, Reamer, Reamer Adjustable, Machine Vice, Machine Vice, Machine Vice, Universal Machine Vice, Universal table angle plate, Taper shank twist drill set, Shaper tool holder turret type, Knurling tools (set of 3) straight and diamond, Carbide Tipped Tools of different sizes and shapes (through away tips), Micrometer outside, Micrometer outside, Micrometer outside, Digital Micrometer outside, Digital Micrometer outside, Digital Micrometer outside, Digital Vernier Calliper, Micrometer depth gauge, Dial Vernier calliper, Vernier height gauge, Vernier bevel protractor with blade, Bevel Gauge, Telescopic gauge, Sine Bar, Inside Micrometer, Inside Micrometer, Dial Test Indicator, Slip gauge set (normal set) metric, Plug gauges, Ring gauges, Snap Gauge, Vernier Caliper, document for procurement of Goods and Works for IToTs, GATI, , Cylindrical cutter, Cylindrical cutter, Side and face cutter, Side and face cutter, Side and face cutter, Side and face cutter, Equal angle cutter, Equal angle cutter, Equal angle cutter, T" Slot, T" Slot Cutter, T" Slot Cutter, T" Slot Cutter, Single angle cutter, Single angle cutter, Single angle cutter, Single angle cutter, Double Unequal Angular cutter, Double Unequal Angular cutter, End Mill Cutter, Concave cutter, Convex cutter, Corner Rounding Cutter, Corner Rounding Cutter, Slotting Cutter, Slotting Cutter, Slitting Saw cutter, Slitting Saw cutter, Slitting Saw cutter, Dove tail milling cutter parallel shank, Dove tail milling cutter parallel shank, document for procurement of Goods and Works for IToTs, GATI, , Dove tail milling cutter parallel shank, Dove tail milling cutter parallel shank, Shell & End mill cutter, Shell &End mill cutter, Face mill cutter with inserted tip, Face mill cutter with inserted tip, Face mill cutter with inserted tip, Involutes gear module, Air conditioner split, DG Set, Air Conditioner, Wall charts, Transparencies and DVDs, Air conditioner, Steel Rule, Divider, Centre Punch, Hammer Ball Pane, Combination Plier, File flat Bastard, File flat 2nd Cut, Engineers Screwdriver, File flat smooth, Cold chisel flat, Try Square, Straight Edge Steel, Steel Tape, Soft Hammer, Sprit level, Hammer Ball Pein, Screwdriver, heavy duty, Hammer lead, document for procurement of Goods and Works for IToTs, , Screwdriver, Allen hexagonal Keys, Angle Plate, Solid parallel sine pair (different size) in metric, Oil can pressure feed, File Flat 2nd cut, File Flat Smooth, File H/R 2nd cut, File Triangular smooth, Needle File set, File Square 2nd cut, Hacksaw frame Adjustable with blades, Hand Vice, Plier cutting, Magnifying-Glass, Hand hammer 1kg with handle, Centre gauge 60, Screw Pitch Gage, Radius gauge metric set, Feeler Gauge, Safety Goggles, Equipment for conducting BLS (Basic Life Support), Engineering Drawing Trainees Tool Kit, First aid box, work benches with bench vices and storage draws, Desktop Computer, All in one copier, Computer, UPS, Desktop Computer, CAD/CAM Software, Laser Jet printer, UPS, LCD / LED Projector, Multimedia Computer System with all accessories, Digital Video Camera with Tripod, CONSUMABLES etc,
Tender Location : Gujarat - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Value : INR 139800000
Tender EMD : INR 4194327
Tender Document Fees : INR 15000
Tender Closing Date : 12/02/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Other Services - Financial Services   
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